Welcome! Thank you for visiting our site. We here at Brazen make your firearm customization easy. Just add your desired services to the cart, checkout, and ship us your disassembled parts. We handle the rest!
Use code, singleoptic, to receive 10% off of a single color Cerakote slide refinish when you purchase both an optic cut and and a single color Cerakote slide refinish. Both services must be added to your cart to receive the discount*
Use code, battlewornoptic, to receive 20% off of a battleworn Cerakote slide refinish when you purchase an optic cut and a battleworn slide Cerakote refinish. Both services must be added to your car to receive the discount.*
Please select which option works best for you. We do not need your Trijicon or Holosun sight sent. However, any other optic will need to be sent in with your slide.